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Free Shipping Countries and Areas

The product will be shipped from the local warehouse for these countries.

Country/Region Shipping from Customs Duties Shipping Cost Shipping Time
United States US Duty-free Free 3-5 business days
United Kingdom UK Duty-free Free 2-3 business days
Canada CA Duty-free Free 3-5 business days
Australia AU Duty-free Free 3-5 business days
EU countries DE Duty-free Free 2-5 business days
Other countries/regions Hong Kong May need to pay customs duties. Please consult the local customs. May need to pay shipping. Please check product page for details. 4-7 business days
Shipping from Customs Duties Shipping Cost Shipping Time (business days)
US US Duty-free Free 3-5
UK UK Duty-free Free 2-3
CA CA Duty-free Free 3-5
AU AU Duty-free Free 3-5
EU DE Duty-free Free 2-5
Others Hong Kong May need to pay customs duties. Please consult the local customs. May need to pay shipping. Please check product page for details. 4-7

Additional Information:

  • Out of stock in overseas warehouses: If products in our US, AU, or CA warehouses are out of stock, we will ship from our HK warehouse to ensure prompt delivery. Please check the product inventory status and shipping warehouse clearly on the product details page.

  • Customs Duties: Orders shipped from Hong Kong to some countries and regions may incur customs duties. Please consult local customs for specific amounts and we are not responsible for customs duties.

  • Tracking Information: Once the item has been shipped, we will send you an email regarding the shipping details. It will be sent to you within 2 business days. If you do not receive the email, please contact customer service.

  • Cancellation Policy: Orders cannot be canceled once they are shipped.

Multiple Shipments

Eonon cooperates with the following logistics providers:






